10 Interesting Ways to Earn An Extra £2,000 Per Month

10 interesting ways to earn an extra £2000 per month

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If you’re like me, you’re constantly thinking of ways to earn money. You’re also not a fan of the 9 – 5 day job doing work you’re not truly passionate about. That doesn’t mean you’re not hard working or that you’re lazy, it just means you know deep down there’s something better out there for you (and that’s great!).

To get the ball rolling making money online, you’re in the right place. Below could show you how to make money in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.

The number one reason people never end up making money is because they never actually start something. They research for hours. They think something may be a good idea but never actually go on to start or commit to it for long enough! My advice is to take a bold step and just start something…  and here’s your inspiration:

Ways To Earn Money:

Number 1: YouTube

So many people are terrified of being judged for getting in front of the camera. What am I going to talk about? I’m not funny, or informative, or attractive (although you probably are… you absolute stunner). I’ll get bullied, made fun of and all that stuff. Maybe you think the limelight is just not for you.

I just want to say to start a YouTube channel you DO NOT necessarily have to speak or be on camera. When I used to research how to make money online YouTube always came up – and you may have seen an article like this before and think how original. But hold up.

They would always say get a camera, good lighting, audio for yourself and all that jazz. If getting on screen floats your boat you do you, but you don’t have to get on screen. There are so many endless possibilities for YouTube:

1a. Record your pet

There’s a massive audience for people wanting to watch cute pets. This is a brilliant way to earn money… you get paid for enjoying time with your pet. Enough said. 

1b. Timelapse videos

Record time lapse videos (people seriously love them – myself included!) Time-lapse what? Landscapes. Growing plants. Rotting fruit. Your weight loss or gain journey (just photos you don’t have to speak). Literally anything. You may have just thought rotting fruit?! Yes, I have watched a video of time-lapsed rotting fruit that had over 4 million views. Seriously. 

1c. Artistic videos

Are you artistic? Record close up of just your hands. You could be painting, drawing or anything like that. Check out this list of 10 creative hobbies you could record yourself doing!

1d. Animation or graphics

Good with technology? Try informative videos on something your passionate about with an animation or drawing instead of yourself.

1e. Recycled content

Have you got a favourite TV series? Movie? Why not take clips and edit them together of your favourite bits. It’s such a massive trend! People are editing together the funny clips in certain films, scary bits, romantic bits etc. Just make sure you give credit to the original creator. Have you heard of Creative Commons – simply put, this allows you to use other people’s YouTube videos for free! For more information, check out this article explaining what Creative Commons is and how you can make money from it! 

Number 2: Blogging

That’s right. Blogging! This is another slow burner but if you are passionate about something or love to write, this could be for you!

I say slow burner because you need a certain amount of traffic to generate ad revenue and all that jazz. However, there are ways to monetise much sooner that many people don’t realise! I’ve seen some real success stories of people making money in their FIRST month while blogging.

1. Affiliate marketing (Selling other people’s product for a commission)
2. Selling you own physical products
3. Creating and selling an e-book or program
4. Providing a service e.g. mentoring

Think about it. It could be your new side hustle, hobby and way to earn money! 

If blogging is something you’re interested in, in my opinion, Bluehost is the single best web-hosting company. They can provide you with all the means of developing and maintaining your very own blog. It’s what this very website has been built with and I would never recommend anything I don’t personally use or believe in. Check out this link to get an amazing discount! Check out these 37 types of blog articles you can write to start producing content.

Number 3: Etsy

If you’re subscribed to this blog, you know I love a bit of Etsy. If you’re not subscribed, why on earth not? Subscribe below:

Anyway, an Etsy store is insanely fun. Do you have a fun, creative talent you’ve always wanted to explore? Why not put it to good use and make some money in the process. If you can’t think of anything creative, click here to see 10 creative hobby ideas.

Etsy is a MASSIVE marketplace with its very own built in traffic. With a bit of work you can set up an amazing Etsy store and start selling stuff now. Whatever floats your boat really, as long as you have made or designed it.

Cards, clothing, accessories, pet products, candles, macrame, furniture… anything.

If you want 5 underused tips that aren’t implemented as much as they should be, click here. If you want access to over 50 Pinterest Etsy group boards, click here.

Number 4: Shopify store

Shopify is one of the biggest, best e-commerce platforms where you can start a store. You can create your very own selling space on the web to promote your products.

Unlike Etsy, where you regularly pay seller/transaction fees and listing fees per product, on Shopify you only have to pay the monthly fee and a much smaller cost per transaction. This is where you have to decide which platform seems right for you. If you would like me to make a full comparison article, let me know in the comments below!

When investing in getting your own Shopify store, there are an abundance of themes, apps and tutorials to take you through step by step.

Shopify gives all new users a 14-day free trial too – check it out here

Number 5: Swagbucks

It is genuinely mad that Swagbucks exists in my opinion. Why? Because you can earn real rewards or money from doing what you already do on the internet. Literally. Swag Bucks have paid out over $400 million to its users. So, what is it… really?

You can earn a currency called Swagbucks which can be redeemed for cash. They can also be used to redeem gift cards for your favourite stores. How do I earn these?

You can collect large amounts of Swagbucks online by taking surveys, playing games, shopping, as well as other online activities. For the vast majority of us, we already do these things. Why not get rewarded for doing stuff we are already doing?

The best part? Swag bucks is completely free to sign up to. You can sign up right here to start earning! If you’ve read my article on 10 easy ways you can save over £250 a month starting today (click here), you know I believe if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Swag Bucks is the exception to that rule!

Number 6: Fiverr

What is Fiverr? It is an online marketplace for users to provide their freelance services. Many of the jobs on there are short-term, which means turnaround times of approximately 72 hours and, therefore, making money fast.

Here’s the kicker. You don’t even need to apply for jobs yourself – you’re in charge. What do I mean by this? Instead of someone listing a job advertisement and you applying for this, you list what services you offer and users can pay for that service. It is an excellent way to make money online. 

The services you offer can be very broad! Examples can include:

– Writing e.g. a single blog post for someone, essay, article, speech writing etc
– Translation services / proofreading and editing
– Photography
– Graphics and design e.g. designing a logo, designs for products etc
– Video and animation
– Online tutoring
– Life coaching
– Teaching crafts
– Programming and technology
– User testing

These are a tiny snippet of what there is to offer on Fiverr. Some of them require you to have skills in that area, but some of them do not. Take testing products and apps, this only requires your time.

Why not have a look? It could make you some great side cash or become a full-time way to earn money.

Number 7: Social Media

There are hundreds of opportunities with social media! Many people don’t utilise it’s potential ways to earn money. 

7a. Traffic

A common tactic is developing an audience and then moving this traffic to a monetizable platform. If you focus on a social media platform, let’s say Instagram, you can then produce content in the form of posts and stories encouraging people to check out… you guessed it, your Etsy store, YouTube or blog.

Here’s 5 unique, Instagram growth tips to get more traffic in the first place. If you’re into Pinterest, check out these 29 Pinterest tips. 

But that’s obvious. What about other opportunities directly on that social media platform?

7b. Affiliate marketing

Many people don’t realise that you can become and affiliate marketer from almost any platform. It just requires you to post a link that garners traffic.

Take Instagram. You could put an affiliate link in your bio, promote it on your story or make an actual post about it.

Take Pinterest! Each post you make on Pinterest could be an affiliate pin promoting someone else’s product. If you get a click through and purchase you get money. All from pinning for free! Many people start out by becoming an Amazon Associate and pinning to Pinterest… some are very successful!

Most social medias allow you to do this. You can post links on your Facebook or Twitter, to talking about it on TikTok.

7c. Shoutouts

You’d be shocked what people are willing to pay for a shoutout if you’re in a niche! Now, I don’t mean the celebrities earning millions per post. But, even with a few thousand followers there are people willing to pay smaller amounts.

If you do multiple smaller shoutouts, this can really add up! For example, if you’re a small account simply put in your Instagram bio ‘£2 for a shoutout’. It gives people that option if they want one. As you grow, you can start charging more!

7d. Posting advertisements

Whilst you’re still promoting someone else’s product, similar to affiliate marketing, you can join certain networks.

These can give lucrative opportunities if you have the right following. For example, if you have over 3,000 followers, why not sign up to a platform called TRIBE.

There has been some wonderful success stories with TRIBE to earn some extra side cash. When you sign up there is a section full of campaigns. Campaigns are the different companies looking for people to promote them.

Campaigns are given from so many different companies, and these are always changing for new opportunities. An example of a great one that I followed was Huel.

This is a massive company promoting their healthy food alternative. But, there’s so many more, from food places to hygiene products, toys to technology… there is a campaign for you.

By selecting a campaign, seeing if you’re eligible to join and developing a post, you can make money from it. Why not click here to sign up completely free to see if you can get your first paid advertisement!

7e. Promote a service

What do I mean by that? Well… do you have a particular talent for something? Or time? 

     – Designing and graphics? Offer to make logos or design images for businesses.
     – Offer to walk dogs in your local area
     – Offer to run other people’s social media
     – Offer online tutoring in a subject of your choice

Why did I choose these examples? Because these are real examples that people make money doing just by mentioning it on their platform. You never know who will reach out to you!

Number 8: Sell online courses or coaching with Teachable

I never knew this one existed until I entered the realm of blogging and making money online.

Pat Flynn, owner of Smart Passive Income, made $169,000 dollars launching two of her first online courses. There’s serious money here people!

To create your first online course, you can be either of two things. One, an expert in a certain area that can teach others, or two, an excellent researcher. If you’re the first option, you’re laughing.

Take your expertise (in literally anything you are an expert in), and start putting ideas down on paper. What could you teach someone? What do they need to know about a certain area? Once you have this, Teachable comes in.

Teachable offers powerful online course creation and selling tools, helping you to take your knowledge to design and offer a course. If you’re good at it, customers will buy your course and you’ll make money.

The second option is for someone good at research. Can you research topics and collate key, condensed information well? If that sounds like you, you too could make a course! Teachable is well known for its award-winning support, so if you ever get stuck, there is always help there to guide you.

Number 9: Transcription services

Ever wanted to work from home? Wake up, roll out of bed in your jim-jams and start with a nice cup of tea by the side of you. Sounds great. This one can even lead to a whole career shift, let alone a way to earn money. 

Transcription is the art of converting video or audio files into text. You listen to pre-recorded audio files and convert these into written text documents. This sounds simple, but definitely is not for everyone.

You need an abundance of patience and need to be able to sit down for long periods of time. Whilst online transcribing often does not require you to have any previous experience, you can take courses to train you.

The best place to learn more or get an idea if this is for you is from Transcribe Anywhere. Click here to see their free course! They also offer much pricier options if you decide, actually, this is for me.

Is there really a market for transcription? Yes! With growing social media and online content, there is great job demand. If you don’t fancy transcribing for those in the entertainment industry, there’s so many options from general, legal and medical transcription.

There are so many places to look for transcription jobs online. Here are some popular ones to check out:

1. TranscribeMe!
2. Scribie
3. Go Transcript
4. Fiverr

Ways To Earn Money Final Tip: Proofreading

Similarly to transcription services, there are many opportunities to earn some cash through proofreading and editing. It’s also a great way to make money online. 

You can work for sites such as proof-reading.com, proofers.co.uk and TheProofReaders.com. These are only a handful of options – there are so many possibilities!

Again, if you’re interested in this area, why not try out a proofreading course such as Proofread Anywhere. There is a free option to see if you would be interested – click here.

Ways To Earn Money: Conclusion

I really hope this article has given you some food for thought in extra ways to earn money or make money online. Everyone can make money through these methods, you just have to be proactive and commited! 

Best of luck! If you want more tips and tricks in how to make and save money, click below. 


10 Interesting Ways To Earn An Extra £2,000 Per Month
10 Interesting Ways To Earn An Extra £2,000 Per Month

Remember to save for later so you don't lose the information!

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