5 Unique Instagram Tips I Guarantee You Have Not Tried. If you want to grow your Instagram and get more Instagram followers, this blog post will help!

5 unique Instagram tips I guarantee you have not tried

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If you want unique Instagram tips in 2021 to help grow your Instagram that you can use today, you’re in the right place. I don’t know about you, but when I was starting out on Instagram, I read what felt like hundreds of blogs and watched dozens of YouTube videos on Instagram growth tips.

I felt they always laboured the same points. Nothing was could be applied quickly for immediate success. 

A few common examples included ‘post engaging content’, ‘engage with your audience’ or ‘use hashtags’. 

Whilst all these tips are certainly important and help long-term, there are a few SIMPLE, unique Instagram tips that can go a long way if you want immediate results. I’m sure these aren’t earth shattering to you but these tips helped me, a very average person with no training in social media or experience, gain over 5000 followers in LESS than a year. Whoop! This article is referring to one of our teams Instagram accounts, @promote.your.etsy. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these Instagram tricks to get followers faster. 

If you struggle with photography or can’t post enough content, I highly recommend you check out this article detailing the 19 best sites you can get copyright free images! 

If you want further tips and tricks on social media, subscribe below!



Tip 1. Make Accounts Notice You Back!
Tip 2. Look for accounts with good followers to following ratios.
Tip 3. Don’t worry about your own follower to follow ratio!
Tip 4. Don’t Start Robotically Liking If You Start Gaining Followers Fast
Tip 5. Multiple Accounts

Unique Instagram Tips That Worked For Me:

Tip 1: Make accounts notice you back!

What do I mean by this? When you want to grow your account, it makes perfect sense to interact with other accounts in a similar niche. For example, if you’re an Etsy seller, interact with other Etsy sellers. If you’re into fashion, interact with fashion accounts.

How do I find them? Type your keyword, in this case ‘etsy’, into the search bar, go across to tags and you’ll see new photos from Etsy sellers who are online right now because they just made a post! This is where making that account notice you comes into play (and they’re online now so it’s perfect timing).

Do not just simply like that picture and scroll on. That user will just see a heart notification. They’ll likely be receiving a few as they’ve just made a post.

Instead, click on their account and like the last 3 photos they’ve posted. This will show them multiple notifications from you and make them take note of your account. Hopefully they’ll click through to you and return the favour. Look at when I started this technique:

Don’t worry if you’re not into Etsy – you can still type in your niche and apply this unique Instagram tip. My following per day nearly doubled! 

When you’re on the page showing recently tagged images, like and interact with these. However, what you can also do is interact with a few, go to the top of the page and swipe up. This will update the feed and fresh photos will continue to be posted. 

Tip 2: Look for accounts with a good followers to following ratio. (Not what you may be thinking!)

If you recently followed tip #1 and clicked onto an account that has, for example, 3,000 followers and are only following 200, it is unlikely they’ll follow you back so I wouldn’t follow.

However, if the user you have clicked on has 400 followers and is following around 400, there is a good chance they’ll follow you back.

Now, my best advice is look for accounts which are following a lot more than people following them – these are very likely to follow back! . 

Tip 3: Don't worry about your own follower to follow ratio!

Why is this a unique Instagram tip? I’ve seen so many people be concerned about having less followers than people they follow. Some accounts only follow back a handful of accounts. Why?

The people with many more followers than those they’re following are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to their engagement! The Instagram algorithm can get very confusing, but let me try to simplify it from my understanding. Bare with me. 

Look at Instagram as trying to calculate a relationship bar between 2 accounts. The more you interact with each other’s profile, the higher this relationship bar becomes meaning your posts are far more likely to be seen by one another. If you interact with someone else’s content, this is telling Instagram that you like their content and want to see more. 

Interactions could be comments, likes, follows, messaging, shares, tagging each other in posts or stories in the Instagram app.

Let’s say an account follows you and you don’t follow them back. There will be no interactions on your end as you will not see their posts. This means your ‘relationship’ bar is already limited.

Over time, your posts will stop showing up on their feed unless they see every single post by everyone they are following… which is unlikely. Therefore, you may have an extra follower, but they’re not engaged or liking your content. 

Does this mean go out and follow every single person back? No. But, follow back the ones you’re interested in and don’t worry so much about your follower to follow ratio… you will, in the long run, have better engagement.

Be wary that the maximum number of users you can follow is 7,500, and take caution of spam following as this can get you temporarily banned (see tip 4!)

Tip 4: Don't go robotically liking if you start gaining followers fast.

You will have noticed something on my analytics when I started implementing tip #1. The numbers following me definitely increased per day, but what happened here on the graph?

I got shadow banned. The new technique had, on average, doubled the number of followers I was getting from 25 to around 50 a day.

Before I started this it’s important to say that I was doing everything exactly the same except liking 1 picture per profile instead of the 3.

As the account is relatively large with over 5,000 followers, I was liking 50 pictures an hour. However, when I noticed this technique working and bringing in more followers, on the day I got shadow-banned I got greedy and set a timer to like every hour. I liked more photos per hour… approximately 100. 

This is when my account was temporarily shadowed as the Instagram app detected bot like behaviour as I was coming on regularly in line with my timer and liking more than usual.

So, what’s my advice in this unique Instagram tip? Take your time. If you are a new account, be extra cautious. I’d like to give numbers you can like per hour as a new account and an established account, but users really have reported such wide ranges they are allowed. Therefore, feel free to play around and see what you can do… and do not robotically like every so often!

Final Unique Instagram Tip: Multiple Accounts

Honestly, this is the single best method of getting more followers to increase your traffic. Instagram allows you to link up to 4 other accounts onto the same ‘main’ account. Therefore, one user can have access to 5 different accounts. 

Take tip #4, for example. I got shadow banned because I wanted to increase the number of pictures I liked. With another account, I was able to double the number of photos I could like per hour because I could do it safely on two different accounts.

Is running 2 accounts more work? Hell yes. Is it a commitment? Definitely. Is It worth it? 100%!

It’s important you don’t just post the exact same content as this may be flagged as spam. But, if you have enough to post vasious content, you’re good to go. Don’t panic if you don’t – check out this article I put together detailing the 19 best sites you can get copyright free images! Even if you still only focus on your main account and have a secondary working relatively passively in the background, this can really beneficial. (Especially if you want to drive traffic to your business or back to your main account).

Unique Instagram Tips Conclusion

Whilst these unique Instagram tips may not be ground breaking to the Instagram veterans out there, I hope for beginners at least one may be handy as a quick tip to implement now.

I wanted to post these as very often they are things that can be overlooked. When I’ve read other articles, they seem to be geared more towards getting a viral post or long-term tips. These unique Instagram tips for beginners can be applied right now to make slow but sure gains from day 1. You may have been after personal Instagram tips, but if you are using these for your Instagram business page, check out this article written by LYFE marketing explaining 10 benefits of using Instagram for business. Even Forbes have stated that Instagram is a ‘rising star for business.’

Good luck everyone! 

If you’re interested in growing your social media, you may also be interested in these 10 interesting ways to make an extra £2000 per month. You may also be interested in these 10 hobby ideas that could make you money in 2021. 

If you liked this content, remember to subscribe below for more social media tips and tricks! 

5 Unique Instagram Tips I Guarantee You Have Not Tried
5 Essential Instagram Tips That Guarantee More Followers

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